Lacrosse Equipment (Whitby Minor Lacrosse)

PrintLacrosse Equipment
With the different versions of lacrosse, it is important to have the right equipment to minimise injury.  While most of your equipment will remain the same across the different versions,there are some differences. 

Soft Lax (U5)soft-lax_large.png

The soft lacrosse program is an introductory program focused on fun.  The equipment required for soft lacrosse are: lacrosse stick, mouth guard, helmet and gloves.  WMLA will provide the players with t-shirts.

All Other Ages
The Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) publishes the required equipment for participants in  OLA Programs in the hope that these Guidelines help both new and returning players, parents and coaches better understand the simple equipment requirements of the sport.

The OLA provides detailed guides on the required, or optional, equipment for each sport of Lacrosse. 

Box Lacrosse
OLA Box Lacrosse Equipment Guide

Field Lacrosse
OLA Field Lacrosse Equipment Guide